Fellowship Christian Church

Aaron Russell   Leave Comment
1456626824.jpgContinue praying for Aaron that God will completely heal him.

We experience the power of God through trusting in Jesus Christ.

Larry Helton   Leave Comment
Please remember Larry Helton in your prayers.

Even though he has several health issues Larry is dedicated, trying to always do his part playing his harmonica and helping our Church to grow and prosper. Trusting in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God.
1500643733.jpgWe need the help of every Christian to earnestly pray for our Nation. Laws are being passed that are against our constitution. Our freedoms are becoming more and more in jeopardy.

God defined marriage being between a man and a woman. Our supreme court cannot change what God has already instituted.

The future of our nation and our children depend upon us taking a stand for God's word and praying for his mercy, and praying that our nation repent and refrain from the wickedness in high places of our government.

We thank God for everyone that is praying. God is working a work in our day. Please continue praying for our Nation and for our people to repent.

Prayer truly changes things.

Prayer For All Churches   Leave Comment
1500643632.jpgRegardless of Denomination, born again believers in Christ are spiritually brothers and sisters in Christ; therefore, it is very important that we pray for each other, praying for God to heal the wounds created by those that try to cause confusion and hurt across our nation.

The greatest miracle is souls being saved. We pass from being spiritually dead to having a new Spiritual life when we are saved by the grace of God, of whom we have access through Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God.

PRAYER REQUEST   Leave Comment
We had many prayer request today. Some with cancer, some with other health problems, and many have loved ones that need to be saved. Remember the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.

Let's continue praying for our nation. America is still a Christian Nation. Let us pray that we will always have the freedom to worship Christ.

My prayer is that we take our children to Sunday School and Church and teach them the values of serving Christ in Spirit and in truth knowing that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God and through him we are saved.

Continue praying that our Wednesday night attendance will increase. A strong Wednesday night attendance will help us to be a greater witness for Christ.

I Thank God that souls are still being saved.

Prayer goes Beyond Our Church Walls http://beyondourchurchwalls.org/